Stylized DJ initials in black and white logo design.

Overcoming Fear: The Bravery and Joy of Capturing Moments with Film

by: David Josué

A series of black-and-white photos shows a man tenderly holding and soothing a newborn baby in his arms. The man is carefully cradling the infant, who is wrapped in a blanket. Both appear peaceful and content. The photos have a filmstrip layout with visible frame numbers along the edges. davidjosue

Capturing Life on Film

Fer Juaristi, Sisy Garza, and baby Jos

Fer Juaristi, Sisy Garza, and their newborn Jos in their Monterrey home

I have opportunities I don’t take because I freeze, sometimes because of what people might say about it. Shooting a roll of film and giving it to the person you shoot is brave. But I am so happy that I made it. Shoot with a strange camera, an unknown lens, and an unknown film, only with available light. It made my stomach rumble, but I got one picture worth the effort. I feel so happy that this picture came out great, a memory to keep forever.

Photographer’s Tip

Embrace the unknown in your craft. Sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone leads to the most rewarding experiences and memorable shots.

My buddies Fer Juaristi and Sisy Garza, and their little newborn, Jos, in their Monterrey, Nuevo Leon home.

Capture Your Moments with David Josué
Fer and baby Jos

A tender moment between Fer and baby Jos

The Power of Film Photography

Film photography has a unique ability to capture moments with a timeless quality. The process of shooting with film forces us to be more deliberate, more present in the moment. It’s not just about the end result, but the journey of creating each image.

“There’s something magical about the uncertainty of film. You never know exactly what you’ll get, but that’s part of its charm.” – David Josué

Overcoming the Fear

As photographers, we often face fears and doubts. Will the shot turn out? Am I using the right settings? What if I mess up? But it’s in pushing past these fears that we grow and create our most meaningful work.

  • Embrace the unpredictability of film
  • Focus on the moment, not just the outcome
  • Trust your instincts and artistic vision
Join Our Film Photography Family
Fer, Sisy, and baby Jos

A beautiful family portrait of Fer, Sisy, and baby Jos

The Joy of Gifting Memories

There’s something incredibly special about gifting a roll of film to the people you’ve photographed. It’s not just giving them images; it’s giving them a piece of time, captured and preserved. This act of generosity creates a connection between photographer and subject that goes beyond the typical client relationship.

Creating Lasting Connections

Consider gifting a roll of film or a special print to your subjects. It’s a unique way to show appreciation and create a lasting memory of your time together.

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Panoramic view of Fer and Jos

A panoramic view capturing the bond between Fer and Jos

Embracing the Challenges

Using unfamiliar equipment and relying solely on available light adds an extra layer of challenge to film photography. But it’s these very challenges that push us to be more creative, more observant, and ultimately, better photographers.

“Every challenge in photography is an opportunity to see the world in a new way. Embrace the difficulty, and you’ll be amazed at what you can create.” – David Josué

The Reward of Perseverance

When that one perfect shot emerges from a roll of film, all the anxiety and uncertainty fade away. It’s a reminder that taking risks and pushing ourselves outside our comfort zones can lead to beautiful, unexpected results.

  • Each challenge overcome is a step towards growth
  • The imperfections of film often lead to the most character-filled images
  • Embracing limitations can spark creativity
Explore Our Film Photography Photo Shoots

Final Thoughts

As we navigate the world of film photography, let’s remember that every frame is an opportunity to create something beautiful, meaningful, and lasting. The fear we feel is often a sign that we’re on the brink of something special. So load that film, trust your instincts, and capture the moments that matter most.

From David Josué

To all aspiring and seasoned photographers: Your unique vision matters. Don’t let fear hold you back from creating and sharing your art with the world. Every shot you take is a step towards mastering your craft and telling your story.

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